Vale Medical Group

Travel Vaccinations

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements. This will include which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine what vaccinations are required. Please indicate your destination(s) as precisely as possible.

Travel Assessment Form

Click here to download our travel assessment form. Please complete and return to the surgery at least 8 weeks prior to date of travel.

If you are travelling within 8 weeks and have not completed your travel assessment form, we will be unable to accommodate you. Please attend a private travel clinic

Why do I need to complete the assessment form?
This is so the Practice Nurse can give you important information for your trip, with regard to vaccinations and travel advice. It is very important to travel safely, with as much information as possible, for your health, safety and wellbeing.

What happens once the form is completed?
The Practice Nurse will check which vaccinations you will need and the type of information you require e.g. for altitude sickness, anti-malarial medication, bite prevention and much more.

Who should complete an assessment form?
Everyone travelling abroad, from small children to the elderly, anyone who has travelled before or first time travellers. The information will be tailored to individual needs, place of travel and past and present medical history.

Will the Nurse contact me to let me know she has received the form?
Yes. You will receive a letter informing you of travel vaccination requirements.

Why do I need to complete the form 8 weeks prior to my trip?
Some vaccinations are required in doses of 3, such as rabies and Hepatits B. Yellow fever, if required, is needed 10 days prior to travel, so it is sometimes time-restricted as to which vaccinations can be given.

Cost of vaccines

The surgery offers the following vaccines on the NHS

Hepatitis AFREE
Diptheria, Tetanus, PolioFREE
Malarial Tablets
These are sometimes purchased from a Pharmacy or a private prescription is required (cost £14) and the Pharmacy will charge you for the tablets.