
If you would like to register with the practice please ensure that you live within the practice geographical area by checking the links below.

You can collect the releveant registration forms from the surgery or download them from this page.

Please complete seperate forms for each person who wishes to register and bring them into reception where you will be registered.

Proof of identity

However, if you wish to access online services, appointments and prescriptions, we will need to see sight of ID. Please bring along any of the following which must be dated within the last three months:

  • Utility Bill
  • Bank statement
  • Rent Book
  • Council tax statement
  • Passport
  • Driving Licence

Following presentation of any of the above our reception staff will then be able to complete new registration forms for patients living within our practice boundary.

New patient screening

As part of the registration process you will be required to attend the surgery for a health screening appointment at this appointment our Health Care Assistant will take a range of measurement i.e. height, weight and blood pressure. Please contact your surgery and make an appointment with one of our Health Care Assistants.

Download registration forms

You can download the form you need to register here and save yourself a trip to the surgery. You must fill in a copy of the form for every person who wishes to register. Once completed, take the form(s) to reception along with any proof of identity you may have.

Register online

If you would like to register with our practice using our online service, please follow the links below.

Register with our Long Clawson Surgery

Please use the catchment area checker below to determine if you live within our practice area.

Catchment Area

Check if you live in our catchment area

Long Clawson Surgery

The Sands
Long Clawson
Melton Mowbray LE14 4PA

Telephone 01664 822214

Stackyard Surgery

1 The Stackyard
Croxton Kerrial
Grantham NG32 1QS

Telephone 01476 870900